Sunday, 29 August 2010

High Table Dinner

Last night was a cool night. It was our High Table Dinner. We were all told to look "smart" and "gorgeous". The faculty wore their robes again and we all marched in behind our friendly bagpiper. Here is a picture of Isaac and me and our friends, the Rice's, before our dinner.

The students were all there, and the food was amazingly good - dinner ended with a cheesecake that actually tasted like cheesecake :) All the faculty, staff, and their families were introduced after the dinner. Then the students marched out behind our friendly bagpiper and the evening ended. Here is a picture of the bagpiper:

I also took a picture of some of my students - this could be one of the only times where they look "smart" :)

The faculty and staff convened in the Van der Elst room for yet another symposium. The British faculty are really funny. We had a great time talking about what we might dress up as for the costume ball in November. The ideas ranged from the Spice Girls to Zombies to our favorite diseases to Zombies with diseases. To the casual passerby, our conversation probably sounded quite strange, but it was really pretty funny. We had leftover cheese that has ended back in our refrigerator for the next symposium. The faculty are finally figuring the symposium thing out and have realized how one needs to be on the constant lookout for snacks to add to our stash :)

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